Superintendent's Corner
Welcome to New London Public Schools (NLPS), home of amazing students, staff, families,and comunity! It is a true honor to lead in such a unique City that prides itself on members of its entire school community, including its vast beauty, diversity, and richness in its multitude of community partners.
NLPS uplifts its vision to bring all constituents together to co-serve our students. Our goals and actions are aligned to support our vision to Unite In Excellence. I am incredibly proud of the work we have accomplished by working TOGETHER, while keeping children at the center of all that we do. As a leader, I find strength in collaboration and teamwork. We will continue to work daily to live up to our vision. All members of our school community are encouraged to actively rise, become involved, and co-lead district and school initiatives that further support our students.
Located in southeastern, CT our district is home to unique educational programming aligned to three magnet themes: Visual and Performing Arts, STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Math), and International Education. We are on track to becoming Connecticut’s first and only all-magnet school district in the near future. Our magnet pathways will soon be complete uniting our district with coherent programming stemming from Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grades 1- 12, and Adult Education.
As a magnet public school district, we find great strength in welcoming out-of-district students to our schools and in the partnerships of over 30+ CT communities of students we serve. Any student can apply to join our district! We recently completed two school construction projects, that have afforded us beautiful state-of-the art learning environments to be able to offer our students a world class, 21st century education, in state of the art buildings. We are super excited to see active construction still happening as Bennie Dover Jackson Multi-Magnet Middle School continues its work towards its renovation completion, expected in the fall of 2024.
Home-school partnershipsmatter greatly. We work to communicate visually, orally, through social media, and in person as we value the two-way relationships we foster with our parents/caregivers, partners, and members of the community at large. .
Please continue to visit our website regularly for school and district updates and to keep abreast of most current district news. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you need assistance or wish to collaborate. We have amazing staff ready to work with you!
Students never cease to amazing me! Their passions, talents, and excitement for learning come alive as they are placed in classes that match their learning styles and interests. We thank you for supporting all aspects of our district, as we continue in our journey to transformation. The future continues to be bright for all throughout NLPS! I thank you for your interest in our district and for your partnership.
Dr. Cynthia Ritchie
Superintendent of Schools