Summer Programming
Our Summer School Program runs for 5 weeks from July 8th through August 8th, Monday-Thursday (there is no school on Fridays).
For students who were in grades K-4 for the 2023-24 school year the location is C.B. Jennings International Elementary Magnet School at 50 Mercer Street, New London CT from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Transportation will be provided. See Bus Routes Below.
- If you need care after 12:00 PM, please go to the New London Park & Recreation website to register for the “Jennings Half-Day Program”. - there will not be transportation after regular dismissal at 12 PM so you must pick up your students from after-care at Jennings School.
For students who were in grades 5-12 for the 2023-24 school year, the location is New London High School Multi-Magnet Campus at 20 Chester Street, New London CT from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Transportation will be provided.
Please remember that appropriate behavior is expected during all summer programming. If a student is not able to meet summer school behavior expectations a family member will be contacted. Continued behavioral concerns may result in removal from the program. We also ask that students attend all 5 weeks of the program, if a student will be missing more than one consecutive day, please contact us.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on July 8th!