School and Family Support
New London Public Schools is committed to providing a free and appropriate public education for all students. The mission of the Department of School and Family Supports is to improve the achievement of all students, foster student's developmental and social emotional growth, and support a positive school environment.
A main focus of the Department of School and Family Supports is to provide programming and services for students with disabilities. Programming for students ages three to twenty-two is based on the student's individual goals and objectives outlined by the Individualized Education Plan in the least restrictive environment.
When recommended by the Planning and Placement Team, special education instruction and related services are provided to all identified New London students, at all grade levels, by certified and/or licensed staff members. Personnel includes the Executive Director of School and Family Supports, Supervisors of Special Education Services, special education teachers, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, board certified behavior analysts, school psychologists, physical therapists, social workers, school counselors, and support staff.
Parents are valued partners in the Planning and Placement Team process. They are encouraged to attend all meetings and participate fully in the development of the Individualized Education Plan which will help students achieve their personal best.
CT-SEDS Platform
As of July 1, 2022, the Connecticut State Department of Education has implemented a new database system for the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 plans, titled Connecticut Special Education Data Systems (CT-SEDS). The new CT-SEDS database will assist teams in navigating the special education and 504 process, leading to the development of high-quality IEPs and 504 plans for New London's students, as well as provide the ability to use electronic communications with families more readily. While there are no changes in IDEA or ADA federal laws, the documents from the new system will be formatted in a slightly different way. This does not change a student's services through special education or 504 supports. The CSDE has created this Side-by-Side Comparison resource to help explain the differences with the new IEP document as well as the Individualized Education Program: A Guide for Parents and Families video in order to help parents better understand the IDEA process.
CT-SEDS also includes a parent portal for families to access their student’s IEP and other important information as well as a language translation feature to ensure that parents receive information in their native language. Linked here for your convenience is the CT SEDS Parent Portal Quick Start Guide/ Spanish CT-SEDS GUÍA PARA EL PORTAL PARA PADRES. Please reach out to your child's case manager or this office for additional support in how to use the parent portal.
Any further questions, please contact The Department of School and Family Supports 860-447-6006. Documents can be faxed to 860-447-6026.
- For children Birth - 3 years of age: Connecticut Birth to Three System 1-800-505-7000
- For children 3 or 4 years of age: Paige True, 860-447-6070 ex 7133
- For school aged children: Contact child's current school